




      1. 征集对象:广大艺术家、艺术爱好者,不受国籍、种族、性别、年龄、专业限制,可以个人或单位团体名义投稿。

      2. 创作要求:围绕抗疫阻击战中涌现的人物、事件,以及对此次事件的反思进行。形式语言不限,雕塑、立体造型、3D动画、多媒体、装置等均可,材质、尺寸暂不作要求。

      3. 活动方式:即日起至疫情结束时止。征集作品先期分批次进行网络展示,征集作品每20件为一批次,直接在“雕塑杂志”公众号上发布,每次发布的前10位观众点击率作品,将择优刊发在《雕塑》杂志“特别关注”专栏,至本次疫情结束,优先进入“2020抗疫阻击战——优秀雕塑作品展”(暂定名),并可获得主办方颁发的荣誉证书。

      4. 参与方式:请下载“2020抗疫阻击战雕塑作品”征集登记表,表格填写后与相关图文资料一并打包发往征稿邮箱:jwart@vip.163.com。




联系人:袁宏15011173527   程姝瑞13311942060




Call for "Sculptures for Anti-epidemic Fighting 2020"

In January 2020, the outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan broke out across the country, and the whole public was united tofight the epidemic with determination. Medical workers, the army, communitypersonnel, and people from all walks of life have made significantcontributions to the anti-epidemic and disease prevention, and many sublime andtouching heroes and stories have emerged among the time. Many devote themselvesto take care of others instead of their own homes. The selfless and fearlesslove and dedication is worth remembering in history.

In order to publicize the heroes andstories in the "epidemic" war, to present the changes brought aboutby the epidemic in the form of sculptures, to learn lessons from human history,especially the disasters that have occurred since modern times, and to reflecton the impact of human behavior on human society, "Sculptures for Anti-epidemic Fighting2020" solicitation held by the “Sculpture” Magazine is now opened to thepublic. The requirements are as follows.

1. Qualified personnel: Artists and artlovers, regardless of nationality, race, gender, age, and profession.Submissions can be made by either individuals or groups.

2. Works requirements: Themes are based onthe characters, stories, and reflections on this incident that emerged duringthe battle against epidemics. Acceptable categories include but not limited tosculpture, three-dimensional forms, 3D animation, multimedia, and installation.Material and scale are temporarily not required.

3. Activity details: The time range for thesolicitation is from the present until the end of the epidemic outbreak. Thesolicited works will be displayed online in phases in earlier stage. Thesolicited works will be published on the "Sculpture magazine" We Chatpublic page. The top 10 audience “liked” works will be published in the columnof “Special Focus” of the "Sculpture" magazine. Priority will also begiven to participate in the "2020 Anti-epidemic Fighting— ExcellentSculpture Exhibition" (tentative name) , and the certificate of honor willbe issued by the organizer.

4. Participation method: Please downloadthe registration form of "Sculptures for Anti-epidemic Fighting2020". After filling in the form, please send it with the pictures of yourworks to the solicitation e-mail address jwart@vip.163.com.

As a highly influential professionaljournal in China and even in Asia and the world, the "Sculpture"magazine will unite all forces to carry out key publicity and in-depthpromotion for this event.

Sincere invitation is forwarded and wewarmly welcome the your participation and support.

Phone: +86-10-67749920

Contact: Yuan Hong +86-15011173527, ChenShurui +86-13311942060

"Sculpture" Magazine

February 19, 2020


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